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Alcoholic Drinks

Manstrong Bitters

A masterly blend of quality ingredient in purest African way

INGREDIENTS: Ethanol, Purified Water, Sucrose, Cassia alata, Vitex grandifolia, colour(E150a)

Brukutu Ginger

A masterly blend of authentic ginger extracts and other quality traditional African spices , prepared according ancient guarded recipe 

INGREDIENTS: Ethanol, Ginger Extracts, Sucrose, Purified Water and Flavour

Kpalogo Bitters

A masterly blend of authentic ginger extracts and other quality traditional African spices , prepared according ancient guarded recipe

INGREDIENTS : Purified water , Ethanol , Lannea welwitschii, khaya senegalensis, Paullinia pinnat.

Atuu Bitters​

A masterly blend of authentic ginger extracts and other quality traditional African spices , prepared according ancient guarded recipe

INGREDIENTS: Ethanol Purified water Raw Ginger Extract, Xylopia aethiopica, Honey and Sodium benzoate